
Elevate Your Energy through Scent

How to Influence your sense of vitality with fragrance

A beautiful scent enters space ephemerally and wields power over our emotional wellbeing, inviting us to quiet our mind and center ourselves.  In fact, scent can alter our mood or emotion faster than other sensorial experiences and 75 percent of our emotions generated throughout the day are due to scent. That’s because our olfactory receptors are directly connected to the limbic system, the most primitive part of the brain that holds our emotions; 

At Belnu, we believe in scent’s ability to elevate energy and allow you to show up as your best selves. Read on for intentional ways to naturally energize your mind and spirit throughout the day.

Intentional Ways to Energize Through Scent 

  1. Get Outdoors and Breathe in Nature
    Wild plants, the expanse of fields, a verdant garden-our everyday connections to nature has a calming effect on an overstimulated nervous system.  And if you can’t get outdoors, you can still breathe in some of the benefits of nature’s aromabergamot oil, for instance, is lauded for stress- and anxiety-reduction, as well as its mood-enhancing effects.

  2. Incorporate Citrus-Based Scents
    From pulse point rollers to home fragrances, clean fragrance can be a wonderful aid to revitalize your spirit. Citrus-based scents, in particular, like orange, lemon, lime, or grapefruit, carry sensory information and unique psychological benefits that have an uplifting, energizing effect. Studies show that the main chemical component, d-limonene, aids significantly in relaxing the nervous system and de-stressing. Just be sure to seek our scents made with clean, pure essential oils to reap the benefits. Our fragrance Bergamot Brio is the perfect way to incorporate these essential oils into your daily routine.

  3. Use Aroma for an Afternoon Pick-Me-Up
    Our spirits are attracted to gorgeous, uplifting scents. At Belnu, we believe reapplying a fragrance with energizing properties can be just as effective to get you focused as your afternoon coffee. If you are feeling a mid-day slump, mindfully spray your favorite scent, inhale deeply, and reorient in mind and body before carrying on with your day.

  4. Rise & Shine
    Smell is one of our most emotional senses so it can be a powerful way of setting the tone of our day. Revel in the first few minutes of the morning by lighting a candle, spraying a natural scent, or diffusing an essential oil. Take time to pay attention to how this ritual makes you feel, rather than rushing to the first activities of the day.

Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or will. The persuasive power of an odor cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally. There is no remedy for it.

Patrick Süskind

We create fine fragrances that are consciously developed around core essential oil ingredients chosen for their benefits to improve your mood and your connection to yourself and the world around you.

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